Kotak - Rise And Fall (Feat. JFlow)
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Lirik lagu Kotak - Rise And Fall (Feat. JFlow) lirics
This human incompetence and its consequence,
Sub-human intolerance hitting home.
This stupid, old prejudice and its consequence;
civilian rights are not right for all deserve rights, large and small.
Rise and fall..
each breath could be the last
chances have all come and passed.
Why can’t we just shake the urge to end everything?
Property lines slice through the Earth.
The sadden urge to control our surroundings;
Money and time now define the worth as we rise and we fall.
Rise and fall..
each breath could be the last
chances have all come and passed.
Fighting for land to own… and man will always find reasons for war.
Fighting wars yields bitter rewards so let’s contemplate what to fight for.
*Courtesy: thejanskulo.blogspot.com
From the oceans we rise… to the ashes we fall.
All for one… not one for all.
Where do we go when we no longer exist?
Apologies are useless, they’re nothing, they’re important.
To savour the taste of youth and sweet control…
Hierarchical classes split the masses – pray your ranking’s high.
Off – white, low – life, nuisance in a flawless life,
ground underfoot like ashes.
The world’s a fucking gas chamber.
Ditulis Oleh : Janskulo

Artikel Kotak - Rise And Fall (Feat. JFlow)
Monday, 7 April 2014.Free Download mp3 dan lirik lagu video gratis album HQ terbaru CD rip. Blog ini hanya menyediakan link download tanpa menyimpan file dalam server kami. File is hosted at free file sharing service: mediafire.com, 4shared.com, sharebeast.com, ziddu.com, rockdizfile.com, tusfiles.net, etc.
Diposting oleh Janskulo dengan url https://thejanskulo.blogspot.com/2014/04/kotak-rise-and-fall-feat-jflow.html, Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda serta kesediaan Anda membaca artikel Kotak - Rise And Fall (Feat. JFlow) ini. Silahkan Berikan Komentar, kritik dan saran Anda Pada Kotak Komentar Di Bawah. Terima Kasih. :)
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